lördag 11 december 2010

The Painted Bird is notorious for its horrors: eyeballs are gouged out of sockets, animals are tortured, women are violated with bottles holding manure, men are devoured by rats. "The Germans puzzled me," the boy says. "Was such a destitute, cruel world worth ruling?"

"Perhaps the world would soon become one vast incinerator for burning people"

"the hollowness at the core of his being."

"The rule was to kill children right away."

      took the last step Friday. His wife said the 57-year-old writer had been ill, and depressed about his work. Suicide makes a kind of sense as an exit for him.
You would not have expected this life to fade away.       did things, just as he wrote things, to achieve a certain effect. The intention was to shock and perplex.
For a writer obsessed with deceit and disguise, with the forging of identity in both senses of the verb, suicide would have to be the goodbye of choice - a last act of utter control, with a message impossible to divine.
He killed himself Friday in New York by tying a plastic bag over his head.

Längtar efter en sista minuten Charter. 
Bättre än detta blir det fan inte! Så jävla bäst!!! LYCKA!!!

As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. 

En officer på en straffkoloni förordar och förevisar en utstuderat plågsam och på sista tiden hårt kritiserad avrättningsmaskin.

I en torftig bur med bara lite halm på golvet sitter svältkonstnären dag efter dag och framhärdar i sitt envetna konstnärskap att klara sig utan mat.

Affärsmannen Georg Bendemann bor tillsammans med sin gamle sjuke far som plötsligt visar sig vara allt annat än orkeslös.

The story of K., the unwanted Land Surveyor who is never admitted to the Castle nor accepted in the village, and yet cannot go home, seems to depict like a dream from the deepest recesses of consciousness, an inexplicable truth about the nature of existence.

Någon måste ha baktalat Josef K, ty en morgon blev han häktad utan att han hade gjort något ont. 

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